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iPod will turn into portable high-definition video player - Mp4 Converter

Updated August 1,2006

"In about five months, you'll be able to watch high-definition video on your iPod," Michael Kanellos reports for CNET News. "San Carlos, Calif.-based ATO will come out with a sleeve with a built-in LCD (liquid crystal display) screen that slips around Apple Computer's iPod--whether it's a video iPod or not--and turns it into a portable high-definition video player, John Scott, CEO of the start-up, said at the AlwaysOn Innovation Summit taking place this week at Stanford University here."

Kanellos reports, "The HD video player will sell for between $199 and $250 and will be released in five months. The initial video players will be able to handle MPEG-4, DivX, HD.264 and other video formats. The battery on the video player will last about five hours... The company launched its first iPod video sleeve, the iSee 360, earlier this year."

"Scott, like most of the other employees at ATO, came from Apple and produces the product under a license from the Mac maker. Philips will make some of the chips for the iSee," Kanellos reports.


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