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Prediction from Apple WWDC banner - Mp4 Converter

Updated August 3,2006

Apple Computer's World Wide Developers Conference will be held next week. What will be unveiled at the WWDC? No one knows. People just guess and predict. Now the banner of Apple's WWDC has shown up. Just from the WWDC banner appearance, there is no evidence of iPhone. Will there be the aluminum iPod nano? We don't know.

Daniel Eran from RoughlyDrafted writes "There will no doubt be some surprises, but here are some well known inevitabilities, some reasonable possibilities for new apps, new UI, and new hardware, and a few commonly repeated ideas that - sorry - have no chance," Here is the list of thing that have no chance to appear at the conference predicted by him:

Red Box WINE or Windows
Use of Linux Kernel
Microkernel Removal
An Intel- Only Leopard
The End of an open Darwin project
iPod based Phone
Self-Destructing Rental Media

What will really happen at the conference? The only thing we can do is wait and see.

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