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i-Station T43 PMP From Digital Cube - Mp4 Converter

Updated July 4,2006

Thank heavens, another portable media player for us to pick apart. The successor to last year’s V43, the T43 is a PMP that does what all good PMPs do: play your torrented videos and MP3s without making too much of a fuss. For the most part, it’s pretty similar to last year’s V43 PMP, but when was the last you expected consumer electronics companies to innovate?

The T43 portable media player has a few things going for it that make it something more than just a hard drive with a headphone jack. This PMP can tune into DMB broadcasts, all but useless in the US, but given Digital Cube’s location (South Korea), it makes sense. The portable media player even uses GPS in some capacity, by the looks of it, navigation. The 4.3” 480 x 272 pixel resolution screen will show off all the MPEGs and Xvids (among other formats) you feed its 20 or 30GB hard drive. The PMP T43 runs on Linux, no doubt winning it brownie points in the OSS community. If and when this portable media player makes its way out of Korea is unknown just yet, as well as for how much. But that information’s boring anyway. – Nicholas Deleon

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